Sweet September In Aspen

Day 1

This weekend, all the students in my state area (boys and girls) decided to go on a “short road-trip” to Aspen, Colorado especially since we have a day off on Monday (it’s Labor Day). Me and my friend Joe were the last people to take off. We stopped at McDonald’s for a short snack for the road. Joe then turned on the navigator in his car and put in the destination. We took a long stare at the navigator as we couldn’t believe how far Aspen was; approximately it would take us more than 4 hours and the current time was 7:30PM. Fortunately, I brought my ipod and he brought his iTrip, and we tuned in to my ipod for the whole trip. We arrived at the condo we rented at 11:50PM. I don’t know who was happier we reached there: me or my butt. However, I was happy that we were the last people to arrive because I love to make an entrance. Anyway, the guys there were already grilling and I had a burger or two. The sleeping arrangement was awful; imagine 15 men had to sleep in a single condo (the lucky girls were staying in a hotel nearby). Fortunately, I was able to reserve a bedroom upstairs, but did I get any sleep? Hell NO. Simply because the guys downstairs were screaming like maniacs as they were playing “Winning Eleven” and “Koot” all night long. Then morning came…

Day 2

We woke up at 11:00AM and of course I didn’t have any Zs. Now we had to leave the condo because we only rented it for one night. We drove to Aspen, which is a nice little town with many shops and restaurants (and rich folks), it usually gets crowded for winter as the skating season starts. Silly me…I was wearing a sweater and I was sweating like crazy (get it? Sweater…sweating). Ahem, anyway, I went to the gift shop and got me a T-shirt that says: “Beauty is in the eye of the Beerholder” and wore it right away. We stopped at couple of shops, rode the gondola, and then we went to this cute Italian restaurant, and guess who we found there? Kanye West and his gang. The girls went crazy as they took a souvenir picture with him; the boys did too but I didn’t join them since I don’t care about Kanye West anyway. We ordered some oven pizzas, which were really good. After lunch, we decided to go back home since the time read 5:00PM (which means we would arrive there at 10:00PM or so). Fortunately, I arrive to my apartment earlier than expected at 9:10PM (thanks to Joe and his driving skills). And after couples of hour in my apartment, I finally had my sleep…except when I woke up this morning; my throat was bloated like Pamela Anderson’s lips.

6 Responses to "Sweet September In Aspen"

Bella Color (visit their site)

Aspen! Allah wansa! u reminded me of beautiful memories :)

hehehe wearing sweater and sweating! LooooooL..!! I can kinda relate. The difference is im the only one in town wearing sweater and scarf and the girls around me are wearing sleevless and mini skirts :/
Sij bint sa7ra :p

Oooooh salamat I hope u feel better.

Angelo (visit their site)

@Bella: Thank you sooooooo much Bella dear. I feel much better this morning…thanks to some vitamin C and pills!! I guess you are the only one who’s commenting in my blog these days….THANKS ^_^

Angelo (visit their site)

Oh wait...you've been to Aspen before? Tell me whenever you wanted to stop by in Colorado ;)

Transparently (visit their site)

Ah I didn't recognize your blog, nice template :) Have fun with your trip, and take care of that cold! Enjoy.

The Krispy Dixie (visit their site)

*sigh* I love aspen.... Colorado is amazing! soooo beautiful this time of year!

I can still remember driving through the rickies in 95 or 96.. the air smelled like pine, it was insane.. like stepping into a room of air freshners.. only not yucky :P

Lucky you! Enjoy it!

Angelo (visit their site)

@Transparently: Thanks man!! I feel waaay much better now. Yeah, the trip was amazing ^_^

@Krispy: Thank you soooo much Krispy...!! When you come to CO, make sure to give me a call so I can take you to Aspen myself :)